Our systems can accept and process very large amounts of email

Price $99
Posted on 27-Nov-2017 15:09
Views 78

Our systems can accept and process very large amounts of email but we do operate a fair usage policy to ensure that our service is available for all of our clients all of the time (where technically possible).

Emails: 25000/daily
Subscribers: unlimited
Email Tracking: Yes
Send HTML: Yes
Dedicated IP: Optional*
Emails: 50000/daily
Subscribers: Unlimited
Email Tracking: Yes
Send HTML: Yes
Dedicated IP: Optional*
Emails: 200000/day
Subscribers: Unlimited
Email Tracking: Yes
Send HTML: Yes
Dedicated IP: Optional*
Emails: 1 Million/daily
Subscribers: unlimited
Email Tracking: Yes
Send HTML: Yes
Dedicated IP: Optional*

Emails: 2 Million/daily
Subscribers: unlimited
Email Tracking: Yes
Send HTML: Yes
Dedicated IP: Optional


Our systems can accept and process very large amounts of email  montreal