Office Workstations, Modular Office Furniture Manufacturers In Pune

Price $000
Posted on 27-Nov-2017 23:18
Views 191

Let's Make Office Workstations Ergonomic

Since how many hours have you been sitting at your modular office workstation suppliers in pune? Does your body hurt? How’s your posture? How do your wrists and fingers feel?

Long working hours take a toll on your body. You could avoid all the pain and trauma by doing just one simple thing - making your working space ergonomic.

Some companies do offer ergonomic consultations. But, if your organization doesn’t, you take charge. Consult an ergonomic specialist or a doctor and tweak your work zone accordingly. Believe us; the small changes will amaze you.

To start with, you can do the following:

Figure out your natural posture
Wondering what do we mean by natural posture? Try sitting on your chair as you sit in the car. Let the feet rest on the floor in front of you; keep your hands on your lap; and relax your shoulders. You will be comfortable and relaxed as this is your natural posture. Memorize this and let your spine taken care off. Initially maintaining this stance won’t be easy, but gradually your body will adapt to it.

Adjust that chair
The chair is the best ergonomic friend. It takes care of the back, bottom, and posture. Before purchasing the chair think about your natural posture.

Buy a chair that gives an excellent lumbar support. See to it that there is about fist size space between the edge of the chair and the back of your knees.

When you sit on the chair, your feet should touch the ground and not dangle.

Place both Keyboard and mouse properly
Remember that after sitting in your natural posture you should position the keyboard and mouse such that your elbows rest to your sides, and the arms go below a 90-degree angle. This will reduce the muscle load and prevent straining.

Lastly, move around at timely intervals. Your body needs a break too!

Sr No-36/01, Kondhwa – Pisoli Road,
Dagade Farm Road, Pisoli
Phone: +9120-65242229

Address 3601 Kondhwa Pisoli Road Dagade Farm Road Pisoli Pune 411060
Office Workstations, Modular Office Furniture Manufacturers In Pune montreal
Office Workstations, Modular Office Furniture Manufacturers In Pune montreal
Office Workstations, Modular Office Furniture Manufacturers In Pune montreal