Sport games arena dot com is one of the famous fighting & sports game site in the world

Posted on 2-Oct-2012 6:20
Views 679

Check out the great fighting games our team has prepared for you, selected out of hundreds of online fighting games, and get the most out of your staying on our site.

Online fighting games have gained so much popularity these days that they’ve made game developers more and more competitive, all trying now to surprise the online players and fighting games fans with new and new game scenarios and game design improvements, so that the online world is crowded with fighting games that meet every player’s expectations. Let’s sum up, really quickly, which are these online browser games’ main characteristics, shall we?

The basic scenarios would have to sound like this: you need to use certain buttons combinations and sometimes your computer mouse in order to control an on-screen character and engage him/her in close combat with an adversary. Now, apart from this elementary characteristic they have in common, online fighting games vary in types of fighters, from kung fu fighters, stickmen, all sorts of wild animals or samurais, in backgrounds, existence or lack of weaponry and the list can go on.

There are two major fighting techniques that you’ll need to learn to master, using your keyboard or your computer mouse: attacking and defending or counter-attacking and blocking. Using his fists, legs or his dreadful weapons, your on-screen character will deliver as many kicks as needed to take down his opponent all while he’s blocking every blow coming from his adversary. In this respect, the great majority of fighting games on the internet, which are 2d, with a side view, give you the chance to move the fighting character forwards and backwards, whereas the 3D online fighting games give the possibility of side-stepping too, during the combat. The more rounds your character wins, the better, of course. In each round your on screen character fights his opponent his level of energy is displayed on your screen through a life bar,

Sport games arena dot com is one of the famous fighting & sports game site in the world montreal